Wedding Crashers!
So one of my best friends got married this past saturday... actually make that two. These guys look great together, and if I didn't love them as much as I do, I'd totally hate them right now! For Eder and Gaby, thanks for showing me that love can be found, and sometimes in the most unexpected places. But okay, this is kinna cliché, and I really wanna justify the title of this blog post: Wedding Crashers!
Well, the wedding was beautiful, and these kids looked great, but the party? Oh my god, the party was awesome. I had to return home for this, but it was definitely worth it. The food was great. The desert was nice. The music was awesome. The drinks were... well... heh, let's just say that there was a lot of 'em. And the dancing, gosh, that was fantastic. Let's just say that I've had the dancing itch for a while, and I couldn't complain after that night! I arrived home at 6:00 AM, and if only we'd have more people awake, we would've continued until noon!
But what's really interesting, is what happened behind the scenes, heh. I guess I could say this is too much for young ears to hear, but I'll try my best. NOT! If you are one of the people who went to the wedding, and you read this, you'll know why I'm not telling! And if you're not, then you might hear the story sometime. Maybe when my blog starts to suck.
Oh will you look at that... I may have to write it sooner than later.
But guys, congrats. I love ya and wish you the very best.
Well, the wedding was beautiful, and these kids looked great, but the party? Oh my god, the party was awesome. I had to return home for this, but it was definitely worth it. The food was great. The desert was nice. The music was awesome. The drinks were... well... heh, let's just say that there was a lot of 'em. And the dancing, gosh, that was fantastic. Let's just say that I've had the dancing itch for a while, and I couldn't complain after that night! I arrived home at 6:00 AM, and if only we'd have more people awake, we would've continued until noon!
But what's really interesting, is what happened behind the scenes, heh. I guess I could say this is too much for young ears to hear, but I'll try my best. NOT! If you are one of the people who went to the wedding, and you read this, you'll know why I'm not telling! And if you're not, then you might hear the story sometime. Maybe when my blog starts to suck.
Oh will you look at that... I may have to write it sooner than later.
But guys, congrats. I love ya and wish you the very best.